About Us
Founded in 2008, it all started from a dream.
What little girl doesn't love the magic of make believe and dress up? After our own failed attempt of heirloom fairy images, we knew something had to be done to help boost the magical world of fairytale photography. From there came some of our very first costumes. We started quite small, with a small storefront that specialized in little girls gifts and costumes and such. From there, we learned just how large the need for this was in the photography world, and thus was born Enchanted Fairyware.
We make everything by hand, in the USA. Each item is made with photographers in mind, all being adjustable or convertible, so that you are able to make this work from many little princesses and fairies and such.
In 2017, we have expanded to become The Enchanted Co., to include props also special events.
We are an online company, and as such, we do not have a customer service phone line at this time. However, please contact us with any questions, suggestions or concerns at [email protected]. We answer emails from 9am to 5pm central time, Monday through Friday.
We are proud to say we have joined the ever growing list of zero tolerance for bullying companies movement. As with such, we will not tolerate the threatening or bullying of our company or any of our promoted photographers. Any form of such will result in the immediate cancelling of your order.
Our current turnaround is 8-12 weeks on all orders. We work hard to get your order out a but faster, but please plan to this timeframe. Please contact us if needed for a specific date, and we will try to accommodate as best as possible.